Saturday, May 31, 2014


Earlier this year in January, before I moved and overturned my life yet again, I met with my good coauthor, whom you may or may not know as Winter Star. We talked over coffee about life and where our lives were going. We also talked about our novel and where we wanted it to go. The more we talked, the more I realized how separate and individual our lives were becoming. It was amazing, exciting and tragic all at the same time.

The tragic part was that we don't share everything like we used to when we were children. In fact, we have very little in common now. But the amazing part was that we both decided we wanted to continue this story, our Untimely Quest. And we didn't just leave it at that. We never seem to. No, once we light on the subject of An Untimely Quest, it tends to have a sort of snowball effect on our conversation. 

The ideas begin to fly and the missing puzzle pieces of our epic tale start falling into place and I realize, "We might have something really good here!" During this last conversation, I felt this more than ever. Last year was extremely rough for both myself and Winter. Each of us had our hearts broken in multiple ways. We grew up a lot.

And I could tell by our conversation. 

I could also tell by where we both wanted our story to go.

Up until now An Untimely Quest has been a sort of lighthearted spin off Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. But as Winter and I both continued throwing around ideas and working through character development, I realized that neither of us wanted to write a children's novel anymore. I think we've both come through this year and realized that life isn't always happy-go-lucky adventuring. It's tragedy, strife, victory, and glory. And you can't get the victory without the strife. You don't get the glory without the tragedy.

So where do we plan on going next with this novel? At the end of our conference, we both agreed that it was time to hit (yet another) restart button on this blog. Way back when this novel first started, it was a role playing story of sorts. It was ridiculous, incoherent, and hilarious. But the more we kept writing, the more we fell in love with our characters and imaginary world. So we took the ideas from that original role play and expanded upon those.

I decided that I didn't like having every unedited chapter of my novel displayed for the world to see, but I like the idea of having an online resource where Winter and I can collect and publish information on our characters, plot development, book soundtracks, etc. A lot of authors use Pinterest in a similar fashion now. So I guess you can think of this blog as a souped up Pinterest board for our novel.

I look forward to sharing some fun information and trivia on my favorite characters from An Untimely Quest, as well as character and novel "soundtracks", excerpts, writing updates and author updates. Stay tuned. 

Dani "Ruby" Fisher is a nineteen-year-old girl who has a passion for learning how to love and obey her Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, more and more each day. She loves her family and friends and enjoys playing the piano and any other instrument she can get her hands on as well as dancing, teaching, writing in her journal, drinking tea, making attempts at poetry, holding her baby nephew, and occasionally blogging about life on her personal site A Vapor In The Wind.

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